Millions Misspent: What Politicians Don't Say About the High Costs of the Death Penalty (2024)

[1]. S. Magagnini, Closing Death Row Would Save State $90 Million aYear, The Sacramento Bee, March 28, 1988, at1.

[2]. Kansas Legislative Research Department study, cit­ed in D. Von Drehle, Bottom Line: Life in Prison One-sixth as Expensive, The Miami Herald, July 10, 1988, at12A.

[3]. C. Hoppe , Executions Cost Texas Millions, The Dallas Morning News, March 8, 1992, at1A.

[4]. D. Von Drehle, Bottom Line: Life in Prison One-sixth as Expensive, The Miami Herald, July 10, 1988, at12A.

[5]. Magagnini, see note1.

[6]. The New York Department of Correctional Services study cit­ed in Moran &Ellis, Death Penalty: Luxury Item, New York Newsday, June 14, 1989, at 60; see also the Massachusetts Bar Association Section News, The Dollar and Human Costs of the Death Penalty, April, 1992, at5.

[7]. Funding the Justice System: ACall to Action, Areport by the American Bar Association, August, 1992, at ii, 3 (empha­sis in orig­i­nal) (here­inafter, ABAStudy).

[8]. Id. at16.

[9]. M. Garey, The Cost of Taking ALife: Dollars and Sense of the Death Penalty, 18 University of California Davis Law Review 1221, 1261 (1985).

[10]. ABA Study, see note 7, at21.

[11]. Von Drehle, see note4.

[12]. Id.

[13]. Moran &Ellis, see note 6, at62.

[14]. ABA Study, see note 7, Table: Indicators of aNational Problem: 1991, at ii-iii.

[15]. Id. , Attachment, at54.

[16]. L. Bienen, No Savings in Lives or Money with Death Penalty, The New York Times, Aug. 7, 1988; see also D. Grothaus, Death, Dollars and the Scales of Justice, The Houston Post, Dec. 7, 1986, at 3B (Harris County, with almost half of the state’s cap­i­tal cas­es, spent $86.3 mil­lion since1980).

[17]. ABA Study, see note 7, at18.

[18]. Id., Attachment, at18.

[19]. Testimony of Carole Carpenter on behalf of the National Association of Counties before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice, April 29, 1992, at7.

[20]. Harshbarger, Statement on Reinstating the Death Penalty in the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Bar Association, see note 6, at3.

[21]. Tabak &Lane, Judicial Activism and Legislative Reform” of Federal Habeas Corpus: ACritical Analysis of Recent Developments and Current Proposals, 55 Albany Law Review 1, 31(1991).

[22]. Magagnini, see note1.

[23]. Magagnini, Sierra County Robs Police to Pay Lawyers, The Sacramento Bee, March 28,1988.

[24]. Phone con­ver­sa­tion, Sept. 15,1992.

[25]. See Magagnini, note 2; see also Corenevsky v. Superior Court of Imperial County, 682 P.2d 360 (Calif. 1984).

[26]. Commissioners Jailed Over Fees, American Bar Association Journal, February, 1992.

[27]. Lincoln Commissioners Pick Jail Over Legal Fees, The Atlanta Constitution, Oct. 24,1991.

[28]. K. Wood, Can State Afford Fourth Prosecution of Spraggins?, Fulton County Daily Report, March 3, 1988, at1.

[29]. Maxwell Murder Trial May Up Kemper Taxes, The Meridian Star (Mississippi), July 21, 1992; phone con­ver­sa­tion with Michael Luke, Sept. 11,1992.

[30]. Public Defender System Needed, The Yazoo Herald, July 6,1991.

[31]. Hoppe, The Dallas Morning News, see note3.

[32]. Id.

[33]. J. Painter, Death Penalty Seen as Too Costly for Oregon’s Pocketbook, The Oregonian (Portland), July 27,1987.

[34]. Kansas, for exam­ple, esti­mat­ed that the annu­al cost for imple­ment­ing the death penal­ty would be $11.4 mil­lion, of which $9.2 mil­lion would be for tri­al costs. Kansas Legislative Research Dept. Memorandum, Feb. 11, 1987. New York esti­mat­ed acost of $1.8 mil­lion per case, through the first lev­el of appeals, of which $1.5 mil­lion would be tri­al costs. Capital Losses: The Price of The Death Penalty for New York State, NY State Defenders Association, Albany, 1982.

[35]. Magagnini, see note1.

[36]. M. Hansen, Politics and the Death Penalty, The Palm Beach Review’s Florid Supreme Court Report, Feb. 25, 1991, at 10B,26B.

[37]. D. Kaplan, Death Mill, USA, The National Law Journal, May 8, 1989, at40.

[38]. See Capital Losses, note34.

[39]. U.S. Dept. of Justice, Uniform Crime Report, pre­lim­i­nary annu­al release, April 26, 1992; see also Richmond-Times Dispatch, April 27, 1992 for chart of 25 cities based on the Uniform Crime Report.

[40]. G. James, In Every Category, Crime Reports Fell Last Year in New York City, The New York Times, March 26, 1992, atA1.

[41]. The New York Times, Aug. 4, 1992, chart atB2.

[42]. C. Wolff, Brown Legacy: Community Policing, The New York Times, Aug. 4, 1992, atB2.

[43]. E. Meyer, Policing With People in Mind, The Washington Post, June 15, 1992, at A1,8.

[44]. T. Squitieri, Murder Rate is Up in Usually Slow First Quarter, USA Today, April 3, 1992, at8A.

[45]. National Association of Chiefs of Police, 4th National Poll,1991.

[46]. K. Cullen, Death Penalty Criticized by County Prosecutors, The Boston Globe, Jan. 26,1992.

[47]. S. Harshbarger, see note20.

[48]. Death, Life and the Presidency, The New York Times, Jan. 25,1992.

[49]. J. Kennedy, Why Houston Leads in Death Row Cases, The Los Angeles Times, July 2, 1992 (Washington edition).

[50]. See note39.

[51]. Republican Leaders Praise Atwater After Memo Flap, The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY), June 17,1989.

[52]. M. Wines, Bad Economic News Forces Bush to Refocus Re-elec­tion Strategy, The New York Times, July 4, 1992, atA1.

[53]. D. Von Drehle, ABroader Federal Death Penalty: Prelude to Bloodbath or Paper Tiger?, The Washington Post, Nov. 29, 1991, at A29, quot­ing Franklin Zimring, direc­tor of the Earl Warren Legal Institute.

[54]. Letter from Robert D. Reischauer, Director of the Congressional Budget Office to Charles E. Schumer, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice, Sept. 20,1991.

[55]. H. Dewar, On Capitol Hill, Symbols Triumph, The Washington Post, Nov. 26, 1991, atA1.

[56]. K. Sack, Arkansan Portrayed As Soft, The New York Times, Aug. 25, 1992, atA18.

[57]. E. Dionne, Clinton Charges Bush With Inaction on Crime, The Washington Post, Feb. 22,1992.

[58]. See note39.

[59]. S. Grady, Savagery of Bush-Dukakis Race Linegers, The Albuquerque Journal, March 14,1990.

[60]. S. Attlesey, GOP Launches New Ad Attack Against Richards, The Dallas Morning News, Sept. 29,1990.

[61]. C. Pesce, Houston Fears It’s Being Eaten Up By Crime’, USA Today, Oct. 21,1991.

[62]. M. Oreskes, The Political Stampede on Execution, The New York Times, April 4, 1990, atA16.

[63]. L. Mecoy &H. Sample, Candidates Waffle on Execution, The San Francisco Daily Journal, April 21, 1992, at7.

[64]. J. Miller, Counties Brace for Cuts in Police and Other Services, The Los Angeles Times, Sept. 1, 1992 (Wash. edit.), quot­ing Grover Trask, Riverside County District Attorney.

[65]. See Magagnini, note2.

[66]. D. Gates, Chief: My Life in the LAPD (1992), quot­ed in Newsweek, May 11, 1992, at39.

[67]. Blacks and Cops: Up Against the Wall, Newsweek, May 11, 1992, at 52 – 3, quot­ing Wesley Skogan of Northwestern Univ.

[68]. G. Ifill, Kemp Attacks GOP Challenger to Cuomo, The Washington Post, June 7,1990.

[69]. AWelcome Defeat for Death, The New York Times, Nov. 14, 1990 (edi­to­r­i­al), atA28.

[70]. Instead of Death Penalty, Life Without Parole, The New York Daily News, May 20, 1992, at34.

[71]. M. Humbert, Annual Death Penalty Battle Resumes in NYS, The Cortland Standard, Feb. 5, 1990, at11.

[72]. Black Leaders Demand that Flynn Apologize, The Boston Globe, Jan. 5,1990.

[73]. B. Medlyn, Arizona Child Crime Laws Among Toughest, Officials Say, The Phoenix Gazette, July 9, 1988, atB12.

[74]. The Salisbury Post, May 5, 1990 (adver­tise­ment).

[75]. P. Manson, Woods Fought Death Penalty as aLawyer, Now Backs It, The Arizona Republic, March 17,1992.

[76]. K. Wood, Plea Deal Lets DA Avert Abashment, Fulton County Daily Report, Oct. 22,1990.

[77]. See C. Willis, Lawyers Accuse Jasmin of Prosecuting Case for Political Gain’, The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY), Feb. 25, 1992, atB1.

[78]. Letter from Stenberg to the Chief Deputy Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court, Aug. 4,1992.

[79] P. Cook and D. Slawson, The Costs of Processing Murder Cases in North Carolina (May,1993).

[80]Id. at98.

[81] There were 38 exe­cu­tions in the U.S. in 1993 and there have been 252 exe­cu­tions since 1976 as of Sept. 20, 1994. See NAACP Legal Defense &Educational Fund, Inc., Death Row, U.S.A. 5 (Summer 1994) (7 addi­tion­al exe­cu­tions occurred since that publication).

[82] P. Cook, note 79, at 22 – 23.

[83]Id. at68.

[84]Id. at70.

[85]Id. at98.

[86] Bureau of Justice Statistics, Capital Punishment 1992, at 10, Appendix table 1 (1993) (of 4,704 peo­ple sen­tenced to death, 2,129 were removed from death row, includ­ing 188 executions).

[87] See P. Cook, note 79, at 97 Table 9.1.

[88] See J. Gerth, Counties Balk at Paying Experts to Testify for Indigents, Louisville Courier-Journal, April 4, 1994, at1.

[89] See B. Callahan, Lawyers No Longer Get Millions in Capital Cases, San Diego Tribune, June 26, 1994, at A‑1, A‑18 (pros­e­cu­tions of David Lucas, Ronaldo Ayala, and Billy Ray Waldon).

[90] C. Linder, Capital Cases Are Crippling State Courts, The Sacramento Bee, Sept. 5, 1993, at Forum1.

[91] M. Hatcher, Judge and D.A. Warn Supervisors About High Cost of Capital Murder Trials, Jasper County News, Mar. 9,1994.

[92] E. Simon, Death Be Not Cheap, Connecticut Law Tribune, November 29, 1993, at 1,12.

[93]Id. at13.




[97]Id. at12.

[98] B. Kudelka, The High Cost of Pursuing the Death Penalty, The Sun News (Myrtle Beach, SC), May 1, 1994, at1A.

[99] T. Philip, Only Funds Going Fast in Ng Case, The Sacramento Bee, July 19, 1994, atA1.

[100] J. Makeig, Capital Justice Takes aLot of County Capital, The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 15,1994.

[101]Death Sentences Fall in Tenn.; Costs Cited, The Commercial Appeal (Memphis), Sept. 6, 1994 (Associated Press).

[102] J. Makeig, note100.

[103] J. Mattox, Texas’ Death Penalty Dilemma, The Dallas Morning News, Aug. 25,1993.

[104] A. Tugend, Death Penalty’s High Cost, The Orange County Register, Aug. 9, 1993, at1.

[105]Id. at2.

[106] J. Gerth, Counties Balk at Paying Experts to Testify for Indigents, Louisville Courier-Journal, April 4, 1994, at1.

[107] E. Simon, note 92, at12.

[108] D. Johnston, Ex-Official Attacks Crime Bill Backed by Clinton, New York Times, February 16, 1994, atA1.

[109] R. Morgenthau, 47 New Death Penalties. Big Deal, New York Times, November 10, 1993, atA27.

Millions Misspent: What Politicians Don't Say About the High Costs of the Death Penalty (2024)


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