Front Yard Driveway Landscape Design 6th, Backyard Poultry Raising Vessel (2024)

09.06.2020. Author: admin

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Front Yard Driveway Landscape Design 6th, Backyard Poultry Raising Vessel (1)
Front Yard Driveway Landscape Design 6th, Backyard Poultry Raising Vessel (2)

It was extended hugely and modernized at the beginning of the 20th century. It stood where the City Hall Car Park is now located. It was a landmark in Hamilton for over a century, by then no longer a hotel but headquarters for many Government Departments and sundry agencies.

In one of the most spectacular fires ever witnessed in Bermuda it was totally destroyed. It had been Bermuda 's first major hotel and had been funded by the Corporation of Hamilton, after pressure from the mercantile community of the midth century to provide a decent hostelry for tourists. Its construction was marked with initial enthusiasm, then considerable diffidence until the original pioneer of steamship services to Bermuda , Samuel Cunard, had forced the issue by withdrawing his ships from the Bermuda run in protest against the lack of a suitable facility for the clients on board his ships.

Over its century of establishment, the Hamilton Hotel was added to on a number of occasions. And it had welcomed many distinguished visitors, plus the crews of Bermuda 's famous cruise-ships of the Furness-Withy Line and the thousands of passengers who had disembarked from those ships. The shell of the hotel was too far gone from the fire to warrant reconstruction. Instead, it was decided by the Corporation of Hamilton that the site would be earmarked for a brand-new City Hall.

Hamilton Hotel begin in , finished in , destroyed by fire It was the first non-segregated school supported by Government. It was a forerunner of the Bermuda College. He captained Bermuda from Grantley Adams, a Barbadian politician, was denied access to a Bermuda hotel but with the assistance of the Bermuda Governor at the time was able to stay at Government House. In Mr Bean attended a detective training course in London and was also attached to New Scotland Yard for extra training.

On returning from the UK he was promoted to detective sergeant and transferred to the Western Division, where Mr Marsh was the detective inspector. In December Mr Bean was transferred to the newly formed narcotics department as the officer in charge. He and his team were successful in arresting several major drug dealers, mainly for marijuana offences. Mr Bean rose rapidly through the ranks and was promoted to chief inspector in and simultaneously transferred to Special Branch.

Two years later he was put in charge of that department and promoted to superintendent. During his long career, Mr Bean attended numerous overseas courses including one at Bramshill in the UK. Now formally retired, he remains very active and performs community service working with senior citizens and the sick and shut-in. Lee was the elder son of Major Dick F.

Lee also wrote to this author: "I began a radio program on ZBM-2 daily, playing top forty music and went on to have daily and weekly music programs on ZBM-1 as well. They were historic years in the history of Broadcasting in Bermuda and those of us fortunate to be a part of that page in Broadcast history. The movie "Bermuda Affair" was filmed in Bermuda. It starred Kim Hunter, Gary Merrill and Ron Randell and was filmed mostly at Darrell's Island during the latter's short-lived time as a movie studio after it closed as a base for flying boats aircraft.

One highlight of the movie was a flight by Wing Commander E. October The ships of the command were reduced to two Station Frigates March Laurent for two days of talks and other British Commonwealth officials. The latter group , with Bermuda's Governor Lt.

There were two ships moored prominently alongside Hamilton Harbour that day. Behind them is the cruise ship Queen of Bermuda. Behind Louis St. Laurent is S. Photo kindly loaned by his step-daughter Cindy Farnsworth Toddings. Ed Kelly photo. Guyana-born and black Bermuda politician E. Ross Perot, born in , then a 27 year old US Navy officer , visited the island on vacation with his wife, Margot. May 16 to The Bermuda Tattoo included the U.

Marine Band from Washington D. It was Bermuda's second such event and held at the British Army's Prospect Garrison parade ground which later became the National Stadium. The object was to show the British flag in Bermuda and to provide valuable training and interest for the Local Forces. The Dominion of Canada agreed to assist, by supplying one Naval and four military units and to transport to and from Bermuda at no cost to the colony.

Feeding and housing were Bermuda's responsibility. July 2. The team's pilots were: Maj. Bill Pogue - slot, Capt. Bob McIntosh - spare, and Capt. Sam Johnson - solo. The old and original Watford Island Bridge that lasted for 54 years was rebuilt, with this replacement to last a mere 23 years.

July Off Bermuda, the cruise ship Reina del Pacifico, well-known to many Bermudians, ran aground on July 8, while 5. She became famous in Bermuda in after the former British Labour Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald died aboard whilst on a cruise at the age of 71, just two years after leaving government and was conveyed to Bermuda for a military funeral.

Early in the Second World War she was requisitioned for service as a troopship, in December she had taken elements of the First Canadian Division to Britain. Later on in the war she took part in the landings in North Africa, Sicily and Normandy. In January she returned to her owners, refurbished, and returned to service in She was successfully refloated three days later, on 11 July.

The Public Library later, the Bermuda National Library was transferred to a new extension to the original Par-la-Ville building, in premises owned by the Corporation of Hamilton, where it is today in part, except that the Archives and Youth Library are no longer there.

Also as a new tenant in the building, the Bermuda Historical Society moved to this building from one in East Broadway. Closure of the children's convalescent hospital at Ireland Island where Lefroy House is today, after only five years of operation. It had begun in.

It was built in the same British colonial overseas-pioneering pre-fabricated manner as the later Commissioner's House, initially as a Quarantine unit, later as an infirmary.

In addition to Bermuda-based Royal Navy personnel and their injuries incurred during sea duties or on land, British convicts transported to Bermuda to build HM Dockyard, were treated here, usually for injuries inflicted during their hard prison labor while digging or shaping rock to build the dockyard. When added to substantially later, in addition to more cast iron structural features, such as veranda columns, floor joists, and possibly cast and wrought iron roof trusses, some of the stonework for the building was the hard local limestone.

A surgeon, doctors and medical staff were appointed and sent by the Royal Navy. During World War 2, the Royal Naval Hospital, Bermuda, treated and often saved the lives of many brought in from torpedoed ships. The Royal Navy left in the mid s. That hospital itself was formally decommissioned as a Royal Navy Hospital in The building, not well maintained, deteriorated, became temporarily the children's hospital mentioned earlier, then an egg battery farm, then finally was deliberately burnt to the ground by the Fire Department in November Later, the site and what was left reusable of the building became Lefroy House, for senior citizens, so-named after the surname of a former Governor.

The Jamestown Exposition celebrated the th anniversary of Jamestown. It was all about Bermuda Fitted Dinghies. The story, from the well-known book, is of an aristocrat and his family who are shipwrecked.

Barrie play , Lewis Gilbert adaptation , Vernon Harris screenplay. Music was by Douglas Gamley and Richard Addinsell waltzes. New Year's Day. Harvey Conover, successful businessman and renowned yachtsman, sailed with his family into the Bermuda Triangle and was never heard from again. January The first local television program went on the air in Bermuda. Before then, residents living near Kindley Field at the East End of Bermuda could watch television via unauthorized reception of the also black and white no color at that time TV signal on base.

On that historic-for-Bermuda January 13 television day Lee L. Quinton Edness, now retired, was a leading local light and later became a prominent Cabinet Minister. Non-Bermudian staff at the time nowadays they must by law all be Bermudian or married to one included Walt Staskow, Canadian, ZBM overall station manager. I also wrote a column about TV for the Kindley "Skyliner" for a while.

We played basketball together on the Kindley Hawks. Eagle Airways first arrived in Bermuda. See more details in Bermuda Aviation. Eagle Airways at Civil Air Terminal. Off Bermuda, the wreck of the ship "Sea Venture" was discovered by Edmund Downing from Virginia , a direct descendant of George Yeardley who had been the captain of soldiers on the original voyage and later went to Virginia.

Colonial Insurance Company was founded , developed from The Gibbons Company car dealership, as they thought they might as well insure the cars they sold. July 7. L Tucker, MCP for Devonshire, proposed in Bermuda's House of Assembly that the voting system be changed , to enfranchise more Bermudians in accordance with the Parliamentary Act that had not yet been implemented. Tucker, Hilton G. Hill, E. Watford Bridge was rebuilt to provide fishing and pleasure boats a shorter trip to and from the West End.

September 4. The ill-fated Bermudiana Hotel, built in by Furness Withy with much pomp and ceremony and which then could accommodate about guests, caught fire and smoldered for four days before firemen extinguished the blaze. One of the hotel managers first discovered a small blaze in a room on the sixth floor at 4. In those days there were no fire sprinklers in the hotel.

The fire got into partitions between the walls and travelled from one room to another. At first it appeared to be moving very slowly from the East to the West side of the building. Guests came into the hotel to pack. Tea and sandwiches were served in the lobby and the bar remained open for some time. One guest even swam in the pool while the fire burned. When the bar finally closed to guests, bartenders calmly packed up large boxes of cigarettes.

Everyone seemed resigned to the fact that the hotel would burn to the ground, but there was no sense of urgency to leave.

Bermudiana General Manager at that time was Carroll Dooley. His daughter Patricia was swimming in the hotel pool. The Dooley family were then living at the hotel. Some firemen arrived from the beach dressed in bathing suits. There was no breathing apparatus or protective fire gear or city fire hydrants in those days.

Maids wet down towels for the firemen to wrap around their faces. Fire fighting equipment consisted mostly of two cranes, ladders and fire hoses for several hours they struggled to achieve the water pressure needed to put out the fire.

The hotel was supposed to have been coated with a fire retardant paint. It was a strange fire and it burned very quickly. The fire left one of Hamilton's premiere resorts and a major Hamilton landmark in a shambles.

It caused international concern and interest, especially from New York. The lawn of the hotel was compared to a refugee camp, with items scattered and piled everywhere. Some hotel guests, dazed and uncomprehending, were packing into suitcases, carefully folding clothes and clearing drawers while around them hot yellow-stained water was steadily dripping and from a drip, trickling and running through the cracks which appeared in the ceiling.

The ceiling would clearly collapse at any moment. The elevators would not work so the guests tried to hurry down the stairs while water erupted from above them. Meanwhile, crowds of people gathered outside. Some of them tried to help by bringing sandwiches and drinks to the firemen. Some men even joined the volunteer fire service in attempting extinguish the fire. Other onlookers were less than helpful. The curious crowd grew so unmanageable that the Bermuda Militia was called in to control it.

The newly established ZBM studios were just across the street from the Bermudiana. One of the journalists stuck a camera out of the window and filmed the inferno.

Those lucky enough to have television sets in were glued to their sets. All of Bermuda had come to a standstill while the hotel burned. One young policeman, Derek Fletcher, left his bride standing at the altar for over an hour while he helped. The hotel burned to the ground. An electrical fault in the air conditioning system was later named as the cause of the blaze. The hotel had been a haven for visiting college students on their spring breaks.

Some of the rooms would have six girls to a room. The management were pretty strict about who stayed where. Guys and girls were housed on different floors. It was rebuilt within a year, some would say it was rebuilt too quickly and was then owned by Englishman Sir Harold Werhner, of Luton Hoo fame. From about and for a decade or so, it offered special pool memberships to personnel who worked at the American International Company building then situated below the hotel at the junction with Bermudiana and Pitt's Bay Roads.

It also offered membership of the Bermudiana Beach Club in Warwick, where guests could swim on a gorgeous beach, change and eat in comfort and luxury. In later years, the re-built hotel fell into a dilapidated state and was knocked down. Bermudiana Hotel destroyed by fire. She was an international celebrity at the time, her every move tracked by the paparazzi. With little remaining interest in policing the World's waterways, and with the American bases to guard Bermuda in any potential war with the Warsaw Bloc, the Royal Navy sold the land to the local government.

A Bermuda Government-owned land company, Crown Lands Corporation, was created in which to vest the new lands, buildings and installations that with the establishment of the Dockyard free port was now leasing. Bermuda, then with a population of 42,, began its biggest building boom. There was a potentially serious incident involving an aircraft. But he landed in the Atlantic, only 40 miles from Bermuda. A helicopter from Kindley scooped him out.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh , arrived by himself for a 2-day visit relating to the th anniversary of the founding of Bermuda by Admiral Sir George Somers in In Portsmouth, England and throughout the Island Bermuda celebrated the th anniversary of its founding in Bermuda earned some free publicity with an event that occurred in London.

The prestigious Odeon, in Leicester Square, long the flagship of the Rank Organization's chain of movie theaters nationwide in Britain, featured the world premiere of the film "The Admirable Crichton. He and Lewis Gilbert had been, respectively, the star and director of Reach for the Sky, before they journeyed to Bermuda to film The Admirable Crichton. Also playing parts in the movie were the well-known British character actor Cecil Parker and the actresses Diane Cilento who later became the wife of the film-star Sean Connery and Sally Ann Howes.

The Bermudiana Hotel reopened its doors as a newly rebuilt hotel after earlier having been set on on fire by an arsonist and burnt to the ground. It was rebuilt by Sir Harold Werhner. Bermudiana Hotel rebuilt A black people's boycott began in Hamilton that later resulted in abolition of segregation in Bermuda hotels and theaters and restaurants.

It was organized by "A Progressive Group" to coincide with the th anniversary of the founding of Bermuda. Most Bermudians, black and white, recognized the Theatre Boycott for exactly what it was, a turning point in Bermudian affairs, a genuine watershed event, an exercise in selfless heroism. It ignited flares which erupted spectacularly and illuminated the whole shoddy scene that was segregated Bermuda.

It stripped naked at last to the public the everyday indignities, injustices and inequities upon which Bermudian society was then built. It exposed as both preposterous and pernicious the myth this was a racially harmonious little society, a myth perpetuated by those responsible for marketing the image of a cheery, genteel Bermuda to well-heeled vacationers.

The boycott organized by the Progressive Group entirely discredited the advertising-driven lies believed by wealthy Americans and also a fair few Bermudians, not all of them white that this was an island where blacks not only knew their place but would do nothing to jeopardize it by engaging in any radical tomfoolery. It also demonstrated the foundations of the racial caste system in Bermuda.

It was the beginning of the end of segregated theatres and restaurants and hotels. Not just blacks were victims, Catholics too in some case. Until then, segregation in public places had been a sop to visiting Easterners who, at the time, were only used to encountering blacks in restaurants if they happened to be serving in them.

Other miscarriages of justice had occured in everything from housing to education to social mobility. Racial boundaries circ*mscribed the lives and opportunities of blacks from cradle to grave and caused considerably more distress than seating arrangements in cinemas. But in the s, the cinema was still the primary source of public entertainment.

Thousands of Bermudians and visitors went to the movies every week. The segregated seating, blacks downstairs, white upstairs, vividly literalized old social divisions. So the cinemas became not only the most highly visible target for the Progressive Group's action, a boycott also provided an opportunity for blacks to demonstrate their growing economic clout by disrupting the revenues of a largely white-owned concern.

It was a rigidly hierarchical society and while whites may have been the dominant racial group, not all whites were in dominant positions. Far from it. Most were marginalized and filled low-status, low-skilled service positions, disadvantaged in their own way if not actually discriminated against.

Interestingly, the USA had already seen major changes for the betterment of blacks. World War 2 and the major role played in the liberation of Europe by black soldiers from the modern slavery of the Nazis had forced black and white Americans alike to contemplate the proscriptions on freedom at home. The emergence of an educated, articulate and increasingly prosperous black middle class during the post-war boom made it increasingly difficult to avoid change.

In President Eisenhower sent Federal troops into Arkansas to enforce the integration of public schools. The modern Civil Rights era was underway. Yet Bermuda had remained stubbornly resistant to change. The Theatre Boycott ended segregation in public places in a matter of days. More importantly for the island's long-term well-being, it also prompted a decade-long debate on the future direction and character of Bermuda. Members of a generation of forward-looking, liberal-minded whites emerged along with some older power brokers who, for pragmatic rather than idealistic reasons, recognized the old order had to be dismantled.

Partnering with the Progressive Group and its supporters, they went on to introduce in trial-and-error but largely peaceful fashion a social system that more broadly conformed to the hopes and expectations of the majority of Bermudians. The Theatre Boycott was the catalyst for profound and irreversible change in the racial power dynamics in this community. It also prompted a radical reorganization of Bermuda's political system and economic pecking order.

The boycott by black activists of Bermuda's cinemas ended when the management of the white-owned Bermuda General Theatres ended their policy of seat segregation. During the Newport-to-Bermuda ocean yacht race the yacht Elda was wrecked on the same Bermuda reef that sank the Virginia Company ship the Eagle years earlier.

When trying to salvage the Elda a diver noticed the cannons from the Eagle on the ocean floor. Formation of the Bermuda Police Pipe Band. Composed at first largely of members of the Bermuda Police and Prison Services, and other local enthusiasts, including some formerly in the Bermuda Cadets Pipe Band, they were soon performing at the Police Passing Out and ceremonial parades.

The short film featured eye-catching Bermuda scenery ranging from the South Shore beaches to St. Photographers were even encouraged to frame their shots using Bermuda moon gates in the film, widely distributed to US cinemas and TV stations. American billionaire Daniel Ludwig purchased the Hamilton Princess hotel with plans to make it a luxury hotel. It had come out of World War 2 in a slightly dilapidated condition, having been used from to by British censors.

Onions later renovated the house, which had originally been built in , and lived there with his mother until his death. They included Chelston, the former U. His most famous landmark is City Hall in Hamilton, although he tragically died before it was completed in Members of the St.

Mary's Church Guild with a passion for flowers and gardening sought to further their interest by applying for membership in the Garden Club of Bermuda. Their applications were not accepted, presumably because they were all 'coloured' women.

The Warwick ladies decided they would form their own club. The name 'Hibiscus' was chosen because of the popular flower that adds its beauty to hedges and roadside foliage especially in the spring and summer. The first meeting was at the residence of Mrs. Ruth Simons at Cedar Hill. The 11 people present were Mrs. Also at that meeting was Reginald Ming, Government's first Heritage officer, who according to an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting gave the ladies helpful suggestions and promised to use his office to get them affiliated with an outstanding club in England.

At that inaugural meeting Mrs. Simons served her guests cake and champagne. Tea and cake was served at their regular monthly meetings. The Hibiscus Club is not restricted to growing hibiscus, but is interested in all types of plants and vegetation and all forms of floricultures, gardening and landscaping.

A longshoreman's strike in Bermuda crippled imports. The Committee for Universal Adult Suffrage CUAS , spearheaded by Roosevelt Brown and others, was organized with the dual objective of extending the franchise for all adults twenty-one years and over and of abolishing the property requirement for voting. The group was so successful in raising public sensitivity to these contentious issues that Government accepted in principle the concept that universal suffrage should be implemented.

The case was handled by the USAF. He was brought back to Bermuda and had trail, was sentenced to 33 years at Leavenworth, Ks. February City Hall, in the heart of Hamilton, opened on this day, was designed by Bermudian architect Will Onions , best remembered for domestic residences.

According to Mr. Edwards, executive manager of Post, Andrews, Ltd. April 5. A foot US Navy dirigible, confronted by unfavorable landing conditions at her home base at Lakehurst, N.

April The Bermudiana, the new luxury hotel, opened its doors to guests. On the previous day invited guests got a preview of the new establishment. George Hotel has been undergoing an extensive face-lifting. Renovations will be completed early this month. Additions and renovations are also taking place at the Princess Hotel which will increase guest accommodation to Prince Andrew was born , the third youngest of four children of the Queen and Prince Philip.

Non-Mariners Race began by Society of Non-Mariners in Hamilton, Bermuda by amateur non-sailors deliberately launching non-seaworthy and distinctly non-nautical home-made floating in often hilarious un-seaworthy crafts of any type and design as a joke against the well-established and prim sailing clubs of Bermuda and their s sailing correctness.

They were not solely men, single women were instigators too, driven by the maleness-only of the more established sailors. Nor were the majority drunk, they were sober, just mischievous, boat-less themselves. Their unorthodox "vessels" were cranked by hand or by pedals or by the wind and were often accompanied by raucous noises, providing much amusem*nt to many residents and visitors at the annual event which became hugely popular.

After one such event had a zany entry almost collide with a cruise ship entering Hamilton Harbor, the Society of Non-Mariners, as the organizers subsequently became, the event was switched to the less-busy but picturesque Mangrove May in Somerset, Sandys Parish, hosted by the Sandys Boat Club.

The event now includes family frolics, youngsters jumping off "boats", mock boat battles, some ingenious unorganized surprises. A fun day for residents and visitors. Construction of the NASA tracking station in Bermuda was completed officially opened later, in March , see below , after work began on it in David's, on the southeast tip of the former base, adjacent to what is now Clearwater Park.

Many airmen and locals were employed to help complete the construction on time. Bermuda became an important part of the NASA worldwide tracking network and initially its primary responsibility was computer monitoring and along with Cape Canaveral could abort a mission on the downrange before going into orbit. Installation of the Manned Space Flight Network MSFN stationed at Bermuda commenced in and was a dual site in that the control and main body of equipment was located at Coopers Island and all of the spacecraft communications receiving equipment was located at Town Hill, near Flatts, Smith's Parish.

The Town Hill station also included active acquisition aid and receiving antennas on separate towers. The Cooper's Island station was located on the southeastern tip of Bermuda about miles out in the Atlantic from the U.

Radar dishes and helical antennae were used to track anything from spacecraft to sparrows. At the time of launch, the primary mission of the station was to provide trajectory data to the computing facilities at Goddard Space Flight Center GSFC. Computations based on data obtained during the final portion of powered flight was used to confirm the orbital "Go-No Go" decision.

The station was usually able to supply a minimum of 60 seconds of valid radar data prior to engine cutoff and orbital insertion. For subsequent passes of the space craft, Bermuda served as a normal tracking station with command capabilities. In addition to supporting manned missions, the Bermuda station commanded, tracked and acquired valuable data from a host of unmanned scientific and application satellites launched from Cape Kennedy and NASA's Wallops Island launch facility in Virginia.

In between flight missions, the Bermuda station's sophisticated instrumentation was employed by scientists to conduct research ranging from the migratory habits of birds to astronomy. A dramatic shark attack occurred just off Elbow Beach, with Mickey Caines, then employed at the Elbow Beach Surf Club, credited with killing the nine-foot shark after it had injured a fellow hotel employee.

Later, a hotel restaurant there was named Mickey's, in his honour. The nine-foot long shark attacked fellow Elbow Beach employee, waiter Louis Goiran, aged He was seriously bitten while swimming only about 15 feet from shore. While two men rushed to Mr Goiran's aid, Mr Caines ordered everyone out of the water.

The shark was subsequently gaffed with a hand spear and brought by boat to shore alive, where it was killed by forcing an oar down its throat. The shark's victim, Mr Goiran, needed 50 stitches to his hands and feet. Ross Doe was one of those in the boat and leant on the boat's gunwale to keeps his spear implanted in the shark. In the stern was Lucius Stone holding the shark's tail. Bruce Hartnell rowed the boat back to shore with Hans Behringer assisting.

September to September Crew enjoyed periodic station leave at the-then unused former British Army camp near Horseshoe Beach, in between patrols covering the whole of North and South America. They enjoyed the hospitality of the local people. One crew member spent a few days with a local family over Christmas when then was a brief appearance of snow, usually unheard of in Bermuda and attended Mass with them on Christmas Eve.

Cubana had first started to fly to Bermuda in and in had suffered a major incident in Bermuda. But the service had continued. Now, they stopped. As a result of the stoppage, Cabana had no option but to switch from Bermuda to Gander, Newfoundland and Shannon, Ireland stops on Cubana's Prague route Gander only on the Madrid route.

The Bermuda stop on the outbound and Azores on inbound flights had been essential because Cubana's British-made Britannia aircraft did not have the necessary range to fly nonstop to and from Europe. Fortunately for Cubana, the Canadian and Irish governments provided landing rights and refused to bend to U.

The denial of those rights by Canada and Ireland would have forced Cubana to discontinue its transatlantic routes. The Sea 'Venture" book by F. It is an account of the first British ship and its crew and passengers to colonize Bermuda.

The cover for this book, which caused a sensation in Bermuda and became one of his most famous books, was designed by artist John Alan Maxwell.

HMS Londonderry was based at the Royal Navy Dockyard at Island Island during her first commission and the ships company have very many happy memories of Bermuda and the hospitality that was afforded them whilst there. This was as a direct result of the continued Canadian presence in Bermuda. This decision was noted by the Canadian Cabinet at a meeting in February Elliott Extension School opened at Prospect as a special needs school for the physically handicapped , initially with children and four lady teachers.

It had the encouragement of the American Consulate, which believed that it would be beneficial for United States citizens in Bermuda to get together from time to time. It's objectives were to celebrate certain American national holidays in keeping with the traditions and spirit of the occasion; foster a spirit of friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding and interest among citizens of the United States and Bermudians; promote and foster harmonious relations between United States citizens living in Bermuda and Bermudians; provide aid and comfort to visiting citizens of the United States when aid is requested or necessary; cooperate with the American Consulate in the dissemination of information on legislation or other matters of concern or interest to the membership; and sponsor charitable activities to raise funds to be donated to organisations both within and outside Bermuda.

For fiscal and diplomatic reasons, local workers were used as much as possible to build the station, and NASA employed 60 contractors and 20 Bermudians to operate it.

A smaller site was in Town Hill on the main island. It was used for 37 years as a tracking and communications facility for various space programmes, including the Mercury and Apollo missions and space shuttle flights because of its key geographical position in relation to launch trajectories for space vehicles blasting off from Cape Canaveral in Florida.

The NASA Bermuda station manager was Bill Way, who helped set it up and played a key role in space exploration by tracking shuttle missions. His team's job included monitoring shuttles every 90 minutes as they came around the earth, and receiving scientific data transmitted by units left on the moon following lunar missions.

Arriving in Bermuda from California with childhood sweetheart Margie and deciding never to leave, Mr. Way had seven children, two of whom died in tragic circ*mstances. He had a lifelong interest in science and engineering. He was involved in Apollo programmes. When they were little he would tell his children the stories about them and the children would get to meet the astronauts.

He was also well-known on the local tennis circuit for his dedication to the Bermuda Lawn Tennis Association. Bermuda was one of NASA's first stations built on foreign soil and was also one of the most critical. The Mercury Atlas flight path was almost directly over the island, which enabled a brief but essential second window to track and make decisions about its status as it ascended into orbit.

During the launch of an Atlas rocket- an Air Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missile used to launch the Mercury astronauts and the NASA's early large satellites, a decision to continue or abort had to be made in only a to second window after the rocket's main engine had cut off. The failure rate of the Atlas booster in those early days was very high - about 50 percent - so aborted missions were common.

The Bermuda station was established to keep an eye on every Cape Canaveral launch and the first critical phases of the flight downrange, making it a key station during the launch phase of any mission. The control centre at Bermuda provided reliable communications and controls in the event that it became necessary to make abort decisions.

Many mathematical and trajectory experts believed such a "short arc" solution would be impossible, but data analysis, some of it generated by the Bermuda tracking station, determined that, even with such a small timeframe, a spacecraft could be turned around and its retrorockets fired so that it could reenter in the Atlantic recovery area before reaching its point of impact on the African coast.

During Project Mercury, NASA's first man-in-space programme, the network was not well-centralized and communication was done by sometimes-unreliable teletype, so flight controllers were dispatched to most of the primary tracking stations in order to maintain immediate contact with the spacecraft from the ground. Astronauts also acted as capsule communicators known as Capcoms at various sites.

Donald K. Deke Slayton, head of Flight Crew Operations at Houston's Manned Spacecraft Center, was said to have assigned astronauts to Bermuda as well as sites in Hawaii, California, and Australia as Capcoms to give them some much-needed rest and relaxation in beautiful places.

Later, in , to prepare for sending astronauts into space, an ocean floor cable capable of carrying 2, bits-per-second of digital information was laid to connect the new station on Bermuda with Cape Canaveral.

This link continued to serve the Bermuda Station well into the Space Shuttle era. The Bermuda station was overhauled in preparation for the lunar landing programme. As it had been on Mercury and Gemini, Bermuda would be an essential station immediately after launch. As the first station to electronically see the rocket, operators could observe most of the second and third stage burns at high elevation angles.

All of the various telemetry facilities scattered around in pre-fabricated metal structures and trailers on Town Hill and Cooper's Island were to be consolidated.

The original facilities also were corroded by years of sea salt and moisture. An air conditioned, 1,square meter Operations Building was built and a square meter Generator Building housed the diesel generator.

Next to the USB antenna, a small building contained the hydro-mechanical equipment that pointed the massive antenna. Concrete foundations were dug for the dish and the collimation tower. Extensive cabling was installed, and a microwave terminal was relocated. Shuttle flights on easterly trajectories went all the way into orbit on their backs. In November , Columbia, the Shuttle program's 88th flight, was the first to roll the entire stack from its usual belly-up to a belly-down position in a second maneuver six minutes after liftoff.

Such a maneuver previously had been used only if Mission Control declared an emergency landing due to a failed main engine or the loss of cabin pressure during the crew's ascent into orbit. This innovation meant that the Bermuda station was no longer necessary for the success of NASA launches. Kathy M. They again delivered what they discussed and promised.

The office staff is always professional, friendly, and easy to work with. Integrity has become my go to landscaping service. Donald S. I felt at home the moment I walked in. Katie and Danielle in the office were the epitome of terrific administrative support. They had quick response times, followed up on all questions, and really seemed to value me as a customer.

That never happens! Now I want to figure out what next year's project might be because this is the company to choose! A correct installation all around. I am absolutely thrilled with the job and how they did it. They were very easy to work with and very professional in all respects. I recommend Integrity for any landscape services because of their competence, and business and work ethic. Kevin N. The entire process was simple and easy.

I left in the morning for work and when I came home there was a gorgeous new patio installed. No hassle and they provided us with plenty of communication throughout the process. Will be sure to use them again and recommend them to friends, family, and neighbors!

Daphne R. They proved to us, without a shadow of a doubt, that there are professional, honest, and exceptionally skilled contractors out there! We couldn't be more pleased with the results. Nanette S. The project was seamlessly executed from concept to completion. We have received many compliments and couldn't be happier with it! In a nutshell Thanks Integrity! Mike O. They really add to our home's curb appeal. They're easy to work with and professional.

I would highly recommend them for any landscaping needs you have. Yvonne H. They were punctual, professional, and did fantastic work. They provided a free landscape plan for our gardens, added brick around all gardens, and built a beautiful brick patio too. There were many friendly and hardworking employees. They worked from am to pm and finished what we thought would take a week in only two days.

They cleaned up as if they had never been there. We've had so many compliments. Thank you to the entire staff! Cindy B. Your personal service you've given me for my various projects has been superb and I appreciate it.

John G. Note: I have used this company before 10 years ago and that landscaping still looks great. I delayed writing this review only to make sure there was no degradation over one winter and summer. It still looks like it did on day one. Paul B. Quality, professional workers throughout the company. From scheduling to job completion, everything was top notch. Lori P. They came quickly, gave us an accurate estimate, and then performed the work exactly as contracted on the earliest day possible, leaving everything looking great.

The experience we had with them was very positive and the price was reasonable to some other quotes that we had obtained. We will definitely use Integrity again for any landscaping projects we have coming up! A portion of our front paver sidewalk was torn up because of water line repairs in our neighborhood. They were able to get the job done in a timely manner and they put the sidewalk back together again better than the first install!

We were so happy they could accommodate our request. The sidewalk looks great! Pat W. We also had them remove an outdated and cracked patio and replace it with a paved, curved patio and an additional fire pit further out in the yard. The owner was here every day to oversee the work. Very pleased with the entire project.

Lauryl P. All tools, personnel and plants arrived in several trucks. The owner gave instructions and guided the project expertly all the way to the finish. Clean-up was completed in detail. Even the road was washed to clear mud and debris. I love my new landscaping!

I keep getting compliments from the neighbors too. Steve P. Just the right amount of light. The whole staff is always pleasant and professional. Looking forward to our next project with them. Craig S. Integrity Landscape was highly recommended and after other quotes we went with a full on re-pitching of the whole backyard to take water away from the house.

After agreeing on price and extent of work Integrity was on the job within 2 days and with a full crew that accomplished a rather large project�even taking out a concrete patio and old play set. They took care of my retaining wall by the foundation of my house. The work was done efficiently and is of good quality. Five Stars! My project took 2 days to complete and after each day the crew meticulously cleaned up. They delivered what they promised and the entire crew took pride in their work.

My yard looks great. The office staff as well was pleasant and easy to work with. Not only would I highly recommend them for your landscaping needs but Integrity will be my go to for any future landscaping projects. We have hired this company twice, first to install two retaining walls of fieldstone, then much later a brick paver patio.

Both times the communication was fantastic, the work is great and the crew worked diligently to complete our projects quickly. Both times they showed great respect for the landscaping already done and the clean-up was amazing. I will hire them again if we have a third project in the future. Benjamin B. The Integrity crew carefully and professionally used both mechanical equipment and hand shovels to shape the swale, with laser-sighted height markers in place to ensure the slope was as designed.

Patty C. We were given well written instruction regarding watering and maintenance. They absolutely went the extra mile with this small project when my elderly neighbor expressed some concerns.

I would definitely call Integrity again. Gerald T. They cleaned up after the job and made sure I understood what would be done. Jill T. They cleaned up both the front and back yards well. All were professional. Office staff was very helpful too when I had several follow up questions before I committed to Integrity Landscaping.

Michael M. Everybody in the company from the front office to Dave the owner was very pleasant and professional. Communication is never more imperative in projects like these and they always kept me informed to the best of their ability. Any questions or concerns were addressed in a timely fashion to my satisfaction.

The finished look at the end of the project made quite a difference! Aaron B. Integrity scheduled a visit, created a proposal, came for another visit and completed the project in about 2 weeks. They were very professional and executed the project perfectly. John R. Your service and responsiveness are second-to-none � not just in the landscape space, but any service industry.

They sent a big enough crew that they finished the entire job in one day. They worked quickly and efficiently and cleaned everything up when done.

I would definitely hire again. Dan S. Integrity was prompt and extremely professional in their dealings with me as well as their completion of the project. The landscaping looks great!! Darcy M. The work had to be performed along the edge of a busy neighborhood street. It was obvious a plan had been formulated before the work began. Each phase of the project was followed by a cleanup process.

It is my pleasure to recommend this firm to property owners looking for a well-established and knowledgeable landscape contractor. Job well done Integrity! Amy G. They were prompt and good communicators which is very important for me.

Everyone from office staff to installers were professional and friendly. Installers kept things clean, did a great job of protecting the surrounding lawn, etc. We would not hesitate to recommend them, and will likely be using them again yet this summer. Ryan W. Thanks again! Tom P. Our project extended into a second day and again, someone came out to oversee the work and reinforce the plan for the day.

The crew on the second day was also very professional and hard-working. At the end of the day, they swept up, cleaned everything up and you would never know they were here except for our wonderful paver sidewalk.

We are extremely pleased and would highly recommend Integrity Landscape to anyone. If we need any kind of landscape work in the future, they will be the first company we call! Inge P. We were not only blown away with the quality of work, speed of delivery and professionalism, but we actually had neighbors stop by to compliment the work!

Neighbors that we have never met in the 3 years of living here! Every single person on my job needed very little direction from the foreman as they knew exactly what needed to be done if they were unsure they would ask instead of doing it and potentially screwing something up. They are absolute professionals and have a great eye for this type of work. They took an existing patio and walkway and turned it into something that is absolutely phenomenal.

Vicki K. Their pricing was competitive, staff was professional, communication throughout the whole process was excellent, and the patio is beautiful. We were a bit worried about the slope in our yard and drainage issues, but they meticulously measured and pitched the patio just right so my hunch is this patio will last for decades.

The crew that did the actual installation was incredibly efficient and hard working. Donna P. We could not be happier � thank you Integrity for a job well done! Kristen G. We have used Integrity two years in a row for our landscaping needs. We were very pleased with the work they did last year on our retaining walls so that is why we had them do more for us this year.

They are very professional and do a great job. We were impressed by how fast they worked and got our jobs done in just a couple of days. Now our yard is beautiful for the summer and for many years to come. We highly recommend this company for any of your landscaping needs. Donna M. From start to finish, the project was completed in just a few weeks. The professionalism of the hardworking group, including both the office staff and the crew, was incredible and less than two months later our yard is blooming.

We have received so many compliments on it all and we are enjoying spending time out there as the weather gets warm. It was well worth the investment and we plan to use them again in the future. We would highly recommend going with Integrity Landscape Services. Michelle E. We recently hired Integrity Landscape Services to complete a large project that included a new brick patio with adjacent retaining walls, fire pit, decorative free standing walls with lighting, and retaining walls.

The results are absolutely beautiful! It was a pleasure to work with the entire staff and crew. We greatly appreciated their creativity, dependability and professionalism. We highly recommend this team if you are looking for the best!! Integrity Landscape is an awesome company. We have used them twice now for 2 separate projects and have been thrilled not only with their customer service and workmanship but with the fact that they stand behind their work and products.

They are easy to work with and want to please their customers. Their work is quality and their ideas and suggestions for design are top notch! Marina K. They estimators came on time and we had a detailed discussion about the things we were trying to accomplish and our budget.

We appreciated the fact that they did not try to push us for higher end things and was respectful of our budget perimeters. The project was executed in one day, it was done professionally and everyone was respectful. I would hire this provider again. Cindy R. From the office all the way to Steve and his crew. They do exactly what they say and within the timeline that they say they will do it.

Any concerns were addressed immediately. This was such a positive experience for us�I can without a doubt strongly recommend Integrity Landscape Services. Rob E. Communication with office staff was excellent usually less than 1 hour response if that. They brought about 10 people to complete the project who were all very professional and left the entire project area and path to their trucks spotless.

Price was in-line with 3 other quotes I received as well. Would highly recommend for a worry-free project. Ed and Eileen C. For us there is something special about a team of very agreeable, engaging, respectful fellows who work seamlessly together, with pride in their work to create a walled planting bed that is a real complement to our yard.

The trio who did our project are to be commended for their workmanship, management of the project from start to finish, friendliness, and attention to detail, even through the cleanup process. Thanks for a second great job, Integrity! Judith K. I am a disabled retired First Sergeant from the military. They are very helpful�because of these three guys, I will definitely recommend your business to people I know.

Susan P. Nikeyah F. Integrity was hands down absolutely great to work with! Our landscape project turned out beautiful!! Michael W. We were provided with updates almost daily on the progress of the day, any issues that may have come up, and the outlook for the next day or two.

They were respectful of our property and kept it tidy every day. I am so glad we found Integrity! Ruth W. I have been impressed with the care and attention shown by all employees. They are always respectful, responsive to the need of the customer and complete the job to a high standard. Robyn M. The grass was raked and the road swept such that you hardly knew where they had been.

We will use Integrity in the future for our landscape design and install. Eileen A. I felt my budget was respected at all times and never challenged. Phone calls and questions were dealt with within hours, not days. The skills and expertise of this company are evident from the first to last detail. There is a clear sense of cooperative teamwork woven into the fabric of this company, and it shows.

Every employee onsite and in the office is pleasant to work with and kept me informed as the work progressed. Quality, expertise, customer satisfaction describe the reasons to hire this company. We were very satisfied with the work done and would use this company again.

Bryan Q. They did it quickly, were friendly, professional and clean. Bridget G. From the planning to execution. Highly recommend Integrity Landscape Services. They were extremely professional and a joy to work with!! Danielle B. We were extremely impressed with the thoroughness of the team and explaining everything that was happening throughout the project. We would definitely recommend or hire Integrity Landscape again for any additional landscaping needs.

Jason R. Integrity kept us informed as to how the project would happen and along the entire process. The crew was friendly and efficient. Brent W. Integrity came out quickly and were even on time. Very fast workers. My yard looks great and I am very happy with the results.

Rachel H. Cheri P. I was included in the process, reviewing work at various stages and providing input regarding location of plants, fountains and decorative rock. Everyone was so friendly and professional. Overall Integrity is a class act. I am very pleased with my experience with them and would recommend them to anyone with confidence.

Liz K. The personnel were prompt, courteous and knowledgeable. Mike K. Never have to worry about getting a job well done. Wish all contractors took their approach to business. Thank you for all the step by step communication from your office as well. Mike P. Very satisfied with your company and the entire team was very professional. Would use you again. Everyone works effectively as part of the team. Everyone on site and in the office does a great job.

The company is very customer service oriented. While Integrity is not the least expensive home or yard service company I have found over the years; it is by far, the best quality conscious and responsive company I have found. Shanna E. Your workmanship is top notch. It has been a joy to have your presence. Pat S. Jane E. They worked continuously and professionally. The results of their work look great! I was delighted to come home to find everything in order and all cleaned up.

Thanks to everyone!!! Elsie C. It is perfect! The crew was amazing! It looks great! Dan W. They left our home in excellent shape when they were done. They protected the lawn and treated our home with respect. We are very pleased with the results and would strongly recommend Integrity for anybody considering a landscaping project.

We could not be more happy with the job that was done and the professionalism of all the staff. From the initial meeting through completion everyone was happy to answer all our questions and worked extremely hard to make our dream yard a reality. I was extremely impressed by their professionalism, competency and Apps To Design Front Yard Landscape Yarn attitude. Mark B. They took the time to meet with us prior to the project to make sure our goals were met.

I would definitely use their services in the future and would highly recommend them to family and friends. Ellen M. Welcomed all questions and gave informative answers. Would confidently refer them to anyone!!! Mark L. The office staff was great to work with. I would recommend Integrity to anyone. The crew that performed the work really did a great job, and the foreman was very professional.

They all work hard and the results are amazing. Dean T. Not the cheapest quote, but I chose Integrity because of the work they have performed in the past. You get what you pay for, and the work Integrity does will last. They came and did an estimate, they were on time and very polite. The service was done on the day promised and the workers were punctual and very professional. The job itself was done exceptionally well and it looks beautiful, definitely would recommend to others.

Thomas � Brookfield, WI. You promised high quality and delivered it! You truly exceeded my expectations. JoAnn W. The crew was incredibly hard working and focused, and the clean up was almost more impressive than the mess up.

We would definitely work with you again. You deserve an A overall! Sharon M. We are very pleased with the job and will continue to act as a positive reference for the quality workmanship you provided. Margaret S. The supervisor made sure that everything went well. I would recommend you to anyone.

Penny H. I cannot say enough about your professionalism and attention to detail. Scott D. It was a pleasure working with you. Janice W. I would also like to mention that Angela was so very helpful whenever I spoke with her.

What an asset to have her on your staff. Your leadership, organization skills and your plan of execution, in a minimal timeframe in itself is awesome! Thank you from one very impressed and satisfied customer. Peg P. Thanks again for a really great job! We are very satisfied with our garden and patio areas.

My parents were watching the crew working outside and commented to me about the high level of professionalism and efficiency they demonstrated.

I am especially happy with the office staff. I appreciated all the help you provided. Laura S. Franciscan Sisters of St. Claire � Franklin, WI. Also as noted on the invoice, we thank you for the gift of the Stella de Oro lilies a pleasant and welcome surprise!

God bless you and every one! We like the way the Flagstone now looks. I wish you would stop by to see how great it all turned out. We are so very happy with everything. Your work crew worked very hard and it shows I in the excellent finished product.

I will definitely contact you in the future for any other landscape work. Thanks for a professional job. I really appreciated that the President of the company cared enough about his clients and company would be so eager to take time out of his very busy work to help a client. Your office staff have been more than very accommodating, pleasant and helpful.

Sue W. The foreman and crew were very nice and courteous to me. They did a great job! Martha K. It is absolutely beautiful. The guys are hard workers and did a great job! Matt S. I love the outcome and appreciate the honesty! Colleen K. Such rules include shorter operating hours than those of the building or those of the automobile parking, prohibitions on walking of bicycles in pedestrian areas that provide access to bicycle parking, and prohibitions on bicycles in elevators where elevators are used to provide access to bicycle parking.

The provisions of this section do not prohibit property owners from requiring bicycles to be walked in pedestrian-only areas. Short-term bicycle parking shall be located so as to provide safe and convenient access to visitors. For new construction, at least 50 percent of short-term bicycle parking shall be located outside buildings; however, no more than eight short-term bicycle parking spaces per linear feet of street frontage shall be required to be outside.

The remaining required short-term bicycle parking spaces may be provided inside the building on the ground floor, or inside the parking garage on the ground floor with a direct access to a public street.

For new or existing buildings, where short-term bicycle parking is located within buildings or parking garages, signage is required at each building entrance as per Section In buildings with three or more pedestrian entrances, no more than 50 percent of all short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be assigned to a single pedestrian entrance.

Long-term bicycle parking spaces shall be provided in one of the following locations, or in a combination thereof:. There shall be safe and convenient access between the public right-of-way, the bicycle parking space, and the lobby area. Remaining long-term bicycle parking may be provided on other levels of the parking garage in accordance with the provisions of this Subparagraph iv.

In such cases, elevator or ramp access to the building shall be provided. If residential long-term bicycle parking is provided on residential floors, the amount of bicycle parking on each floor shall be equal to or greater than 50 percent of the number of dwelling units on the same floor. Bicycle share station docks counted toward the requirements for short-term bicycle parking spaces as permitted in Section Where there is a combination of uses on a lot, long-term bicycle parking may be provided in one or more bicycle parking facilities within feet of each use.

For a development site with multiple buildings, required bicycle parking may be sited in one or more bicycle parking facilities within feet of each building. Where short-term or long-term bicycle parking is provided by means of an Attended Bicycle Parking Service, the pick-up and drop-off location shall either comply with the siting requirements of this Subparagraph 2 above or be co-located with any valet automobile parking pick-up or drop-off location provided on the same site for the subject use.

Where such a facility is provided, the bicycle storage area need not comply with the siting requirements of this Subparagraph 2 above. In addition, the pick-up and drop-off location for an Attended Bicycle Parking Service need not comply with the siting requirements for combinations of uses or multiple buildings. If some or all required bicycle parking spaces are provided by means of an attended bicycle parking service, the service shall be available to building occupants at all times during the hours the building is in operation.

If, for any reason, an Attended Bicycle Parking Service is discontinued, the associated land uses may no longer count the attended bicycle parking service toward the required number of bicycle parking spaces and shall be required to provide a number of bicycle parking spaces equivalent to the number formerly provided by the attended bicycle parking service.

Adequate lighting shall be provided to ensure safe access to bicycle parking facilities in accordance with Section Where bicycle parking is not clearly visible from the street, legible reflectorized signs shall be permanently posted at the street entrances to each site indicating the availability and location of bicycle parking within the site.

All signs must comply with Section A Bureau of Engineering permit may be issued only after the business operator or property owner receives issuance of plan approval or a permit by the Department of Transportation pursuant to LAMC Section Any site located within feet of a City funded bicycle corral may count up to four bicycle parking spaces towards their required short-term bicycle parking spaces.

Business operators or property owners may submit an application to the Department of Transportation to install and maintain their own bicycle corrals immediately in front of their property in the public right-of-way. In such cases, short-term bicycle parking installed in such a manner shall not be counted towards the bicycle parking requirements of surrounding businesses. In such cases, said businesses shall be required to provide any bicycle spaces lost in the removal of the corral.

Failure to comply may result in the revocation of a business's Certificate of Occupancy and a fine for Code violation. In all cases, the number of bicycle share docks counted toward the required number of short-term bicycle parking spaces shall not exceed 10 percent of the total number of short-term bicycle parking spaces required for the subject site. Personal lockers shall only be required for long-term bicycle parking in nonresidential uses.

The provisions of this section do not apply to any of the following projects, which shall comply with the regulations as of March 13, , as applicable:. The Director of Planning or the Director's designee shall have initial decision-making authority to approve an alternative to the design standards specified in Section An applicant may request such approval by submitting an application and paying a filing fee equivalent to that established for a "Miscellaneous Plan Approval".

This fee is set forth in Section The Director's determination shall include written findings in support of the decision. In order to grant approval of the alternative design or siting, the Director must find that the location, dimensions, position, security, and spacing allow for safe and reasonably accessible and convenient short or long-term storage of bicycles for the anticipated users of the bicycle parking, and that the proposed design or siting meets the needs of bicyclists at least as effectively as the requirements of Section Hillside Regulations.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code to the contrary, the following regulations shall apply to any Major Remodel - Hillside, or construction of or addition to any One-Family Dwelling or Accessory Building on a Lot in the A1, A2 or RD Zones which is located in whole or in part in a Hillside Area as defined in Section For lots having a zoning classification that contains a provision calling for observance of the prevailing setback, the prevailing setback regulations shall apply, so long as a front yard of no less than five feet is provided.

Balconies with 10 feet of vertical clearance beneath them may project or extend no more than 30 inches into a front yard. EXCEPTION: Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 above to the contrary, where the slope of the lot as measured from the highest point of the lot within five horizontal feet of an exterior wall of the main building to the lowest point of the lot within five horizontal feet of an exterior wall of the main building is less than 66 percent, then no portion of the main building shall exceed 36 feet in height.

The 24 foot maximum building and structure height shall be measured from the elevation at the centerline or midpoint of the street on which the lot fronts. Retaining walls shall not raise the effective elevation of grade for purposes of measuring height of a building or structure.

Upon payment of the fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of Section Last Sentence Amended by Ord. No building permit shall be issued for the construction of any new one-family dwelling on a lot located feet or less from a sewer mainline unless a sewer connection is provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Amended by Ord No. No building or grading permit shall be issued for the construction of any one-family dwelling, accessory building, Major Remodel-Hillside, or addition thereto located on a lot which fronts on a Substandard Hillside Limited Street, unless the following requirements are met. In addition to the off-street automobile parking spaces required by Section The provisions of this Subdivision Any construction on a lot with a vehicular access from a street improved with a minimum 28 foot wide continuous paved roadway within the Hillside Area, provided:.

However, any building permit shall become invalid if construction pursuant to the permit is not commenced within 18 months of the date the plan check fee was collected. Recycling Centers And Facilities. No drive shall be conducted within a day period following a prior drive on the same site or within 1, feet of the same site;. Otherwise, operation may be 24 hours a day. All operations must comply with Section The facility and all related activities shall be administered by on-site personnel during the hours the center is open;.

For any use found to be in violation of Section The Notice to Comply shall clearly state the following:. The Superintendent shall reinspect a property for which a Notice to Comply was issued pursuant to this paragraph subsequent to the Compliance Date.

If the Department determines that a fine is due, then it shall notify the person cited by United States mail in a sealed envelope, with postage paid, addressed to the last known address of the person cited as the address appears in the last equalized assessment roll.

Service of the notice shall be deemed to have been completed at the time of deposit with the United States Postal Service. The person cited shall remit the fine to the Department within 30 days after the date of mailing the notice.

If the person cited fails to do so, then the Department, by sending a second notification by certified mail, may demand payment of the fine from the person cited and may prohibit the issuance of any building permit, license or approval to the cited person until such fees are paid. Appeals may be made from a Notice to Comply issued by the Department pursuant to this subdivision pursuant to Section In accordance with state regulations regarding recycling facilities, these provisions that require adequate areas for collecting and loading Recyclable Materials serve to divert solid waste and address source reduction, recycling, and composting activities.

For the purpose of this definition, the floor area of a marina is the space dedicated to the docking or mooring of marine vessels. For purposes of this definition, a public facility includes but is not limited to buildings, structures, marinas, and outdoor recreation areas owned by a local agency. All new development projects, all existing multiple-family residential development projects of four or more units where the addition of floor area is 25 percent or more, and all other existing development projects where the addition of floor area is 30 percent or more, shall provide an adequate Recycling Area or Room, as defined in Section When a new development project provides a Trash Chute or an existing development project adds a Trash Chute, a Recycling Chute shall also be provided in both cases.

Recycling Chutes shall be clearly marked "recycling only" at every point of entry. Any existing development project for which multiple building permits are issued within a month period which results in the expansion of the existing development project beyond the above thresholds shall also provide a Recycling Area or Room. The Recycling Area or Room shall be available for use by persons residing or employed on the property, but shall be kept secured from unauthorized entry by the general public.

No payment shall be made to persons depositing Recyclable Materials and no processing of Recyclable Materials shall be permitted, except for periodic loading of materials into a vehicle for removal from the site.

The following requirements shall also apply:. Paper products and other lightweight materials shall be immediately placed into covered Recycling Receptacles when they are dropped off;. No material shall exceed the height of the wall or fence. The enclosure shall be constructed with a concrete floor sloped to drain, and a water faucet for hose attachment shall be located adjacent to or within the enclosure.

The enclosure shall be secured by a locking gate. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities WTF Standards - Notwithstanding any provision of this Code to the contrary, the following standards shall apply to the placement of all wireless telecommunication facilities. These standards shall not apply to satellite dish antennae, radio and television transmitters and antennae incidental to residential use. The antenna on any monopole or support structure must meet the minimum siting distances to habitable structures required for compliance with Federal Communications Commission FCC regulations and standards governing the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions.

The grouping of WTF on a site is encouraged where technically feasible. The footing of the antenna shall be structurally designed to support a monopole which is at least 15 feet higher than the monopole under review, while being within the applicable requirements of the height district, in order to allow a future wireless network to replace an existing monopole with a new monopole capable of supporting co-location.

If it is determined that additional height is necessary to support co-location, the Zoning Administrator is authorized to consider reasonable modifications to pole height, and the co-location of additional equipment within the 15 feet extension limit pursuant to Section Monopoles, dishes and other antenna equipment not regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration FAA shall have a non-reflective finish to minimize the visibility of the structure and not be illuminated, unless required by the FAA.

Monopoles shall be designed at the minimum functional height. All monopoles shall be set back a distance equal to 20 percent of the height of the monopole, from all abutting streets, residential uses, and in all zones, or areas with access to the public, unless a qualified structural engineer specifies in writing that any collapse of the pole will occur within a lesser distance under all foreseeable circ*mstances.

Monopoles shall meet the main building setback requirements of the underlying zone. The setback shall be sufficient to:. Roof mounted antennas shall be located at the greatest feasible distance from the edge of the building.

Equipment facilities and antennas shall not extend more than ten feet above the highest point of the roof top, unless mounted on the walls of a penthouse. An effort shall be made to locate new WTF on existing approved structures or sites, when feasible. The WTF shall be designed to have the least possible visual impact on the environment, taking into consideration technical, engineering, economic and other pertinent factors.

Antennas clustered at the same site shall be of the same general height and facilities of the same design. Omni-directional antennas may not be required to be screened if it is demonstrated that the screening device would create a greater visual impact than the unscreened antennas. The screening shall include parapets, walls or similar architectural elements provided that it is painted and textured to integrate with the architecture of the building.

As an alternative screening method, landscaping positioned on the premises to screen antennas from adjacent properties may be proposed in lieu of, or in combination with, architectural screening. Antennas shall be mounted on the parapet, penthouse wall or facade, building mounted antennas shall be painted and textured or otherwise architecturally integrated to match the existing building.

Landscaping shall be positioned on the premises to minimize the visual impacts to adjacent non-industrial properties and adjacent public rights-of-way. Exterior equipment buildings constructed on premises shall be architecturally similar to the existing building or otherwise architecturally integrated.

Whenever possible, existing light standards in parking lots should be used with antennas above electroliers. Landscaping shall be required at the perimeter of the property which abuts streets, residential uses, and in all zones, or areas with access to the public as follows:.

At least one row of shrubs shall be spaced not more than three feet apart. Materials shall be of a variety which can be expected to grow to form a continuous hedge at least five feet in height within two years of planting. At least one row of trees or shrubs, not less than four feet in height at the time of planting, and spaced not more than 15 feet apart, also shall be provided.

Appropriate irrigation and maintenance to sustain any required landscaping shall be required. The antenna and supporting structure or monopole shall be of a design and treated with an architectural material so that it is camouflaged to resemble a tree with a single trunk and branches on its upper part, or shall be designed using other similar stealth techniques.

Claims of interference with the operations of any business or residential use due to the operations of the facility shall be subject to correction by the permittee.

Any claim shall be reviewed by a qualified, mutually agreeable third party who will test actual site conditions and propose mitigation of any interference determined to be due to the operation of the facility. All wireless telecommunication facilities shall be removed within 90 days of discontinuance of use. In addition to the submittal requirements prescribed for conditional use permits pursuant to Section Plans and drawings shall demonstrate compliance with the siting distances of Subparagraph 1 Antenna Requirements and Subparagraph 2 Antenna Setback of Paragraph a of this subdivision.

A Structural Integrity Report from a professional engineer licensed in the State of California documenting the following:. This submission is required only in the event that the applicant intends to share use of the facility by subsequent reinforcement and reconstruction of the WTF. Evidence submitted to the Department of City Planning on those requiring discretionary review pursuant to Section A listing of addresses and type i.

In addition to the findings for approval required pursuant to Section The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to consider requests to vary from these standards pursuant to Section However, these wireless antennas and associated equipment cabinets are not permitted by right pursuant to this subdivision on the rooftops of buildings located within a scenic parkway specific plan, scenic corridor specific plan, a roadway designated as a scenic highway within a specific plan area; or buildings that are designated on the National Register of Historic Places, including Contributing Buildings in National Register Historic Districts, the California Register of Historic Resources, the City of Los Angeles List of Historic-Cultural Monuments, or a Contributing Structure located in an Historic Preservation Overlay Zone HPOZ that has been established pursuant to Section The following standards shall apply to wireless antennas and the associated equipment cabinets permitted by this subdivision:.

This notification shall contain the name and address of the building permit applicant and the property address of the proposed installation and the approximate date of start of installation. This notification shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested. Wireless antennas and rooftop equipment cabinets which do not meet these standards shall require a conditional use permit pursuant to Section Cargo Container Storage Yard.

Cargo container storage yards may be permitted by right in the M3 Zone. The following standards shall apply to all cargo container storage yards, except those located in whole or in part within the boundaries of the Port of Los Angeles Community Plan Area.

There is no maximum container height limit beyond feet of a residential zone, except as limited by any applicable height limitation and Paragraph h 1 below. All walls, fences and other structures shall be maintained free of graffiti; and. However, for those portions of the site that are separated from the roadway by a grade change of more than ten feet within five feet of the property line, Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of this paragraph shall not apply:.

There is no maximum cargo container height limit beyond 20 feet of a Class I or II Major Highway, except as limited by Paragraph a above. The setback shall be fully landscaped with drought resistant plants, ground cover and trees; with one minimum gallon size tree planted for each 15 linear feet of street frontage and minimum three shrubs for each tree.

The entire landscaped area shall be well maintained at all times. The wall or fence shall be located within the required setback, and at the rear of the landscaped area between the landscaping and the use. A chain-link fence with slats and growing vines may be permitted in place of a solid wall or fence. Area Regulation � Exceptions are provided for in Sec.

Clemons v. City of Los Angeles, 36 Cal. A sale of property in violation of the ordinance is voidable at the instance of the buyer. Harland v. Border v. McClung , 93 Cal. No required yard or other open space around a building shall be located and maintained on property which is in a more restrictive zone than that of the property on which such building is located; except that where a lot is partly in the P zone and partly in a C or M zone, any P zone may be used to meet any yard requirements of the C or M zone, provided the front yard conforms to the requirements of Section The relationship between the more restrictive and less restrictive zones shall be determined by the sequence of zones set forth in Section In the RZ Zone a main building may be located on not more than five lots.

Provided, however, there may be more than one main residential building on a lot in the RW2 Zone, but there shall be no more than one main residential building for each 2, square feet of lot area. No building or structure shall be erected or maintained on a lot which abuts a street having only a portion of its required width where no part of the street would normally revert to the lot if vacated, or which lot is separated from the a street by only a future street, unless the yards provided and maintained adjacent to the street in connection with the building or structure have a width or depth, which includes the portion of the lot needed to complete the required width of the street, plus the width or depth of the yards required on the lot by other provisions of this article.

Where a future street intervenes between the lot and the street, the yards shall be determined as though the lot abutted directly on the future street. In no case, shall this regulation be applied so as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than 40 feet. The City Planning Commission, upon request, shall determine a required street width. The determination shall be based upon the standards for street widths contained in the subdivision regulations of the City, the prevailing widths of streets in the immediate, surrounding area, with due consideration given to any particular topographical or geological conditions or sizes of ownership affecting the property involved.

Every required front, side and rear yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky, except for those projections permitted by Sections No automobile parking space shall be provided or maintained within a required front yard. Except where a lot is developed with a building meeting the requirements of Section All portions of the required front yard of one-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, multiple dwellings or group dwellings, apartment houses, hotels, motels, apartment hotels and retirement hotels in the RE, RS, R1, RU, RZ, R2, RD, R3, RAS3, R4, RAS4, R5, or C Zones not used for necessary driveways and walkways, including decorative walkways, shall be used for planting, and shall not otherwise be paved.

The planted area shall include at least one tree, which shall be at least 15 gallon in size and at least six feet in height at the time of planting, for each square feet of planted area and shall be equipped with an automatic irrigation system, which shall be properly maintained. A fee pursuant to Section However, the fee shall be waived if any other fee has been paid for checking of landscape plans for the same property.

Where only one front yard is required on a through lot, as provided herein, the rear yard shall be located on the portion of such lot adjacent to the highway. Where a through lot is less than feet in depth or is developed as a single building site, and the two required front yards are provided, no rear yard is required.

No required lot which is provided for a dwelling unit, guest room, specific use or total floor area within a building shall be considered as providing the required lot area for any other dwelling unit, guest room, specific use or total floor area within a building. See citation under Sec. Spaces Between Buildings � Passageways. There shall be at least 20 feet of space between every two-story apartment hotel, apartment house, boarding or rooming house, guest house hotel or multiple dwelling, and any other main building on the same lot.

Such space may be reduced to 10 feet where the buildings are located on a corner lot and the space opens directly onto the side street. In the RD zone there shall be at least 20 feet of space between every main building and any other main building on the same lot where either of the buildings contains three or more dwelling units. In all other cases there shall be at least 10 feet of space between every residential building and another main building on the same lot.

The width of the space herein required shall be increased by two feet for each story over two contained in any building adjoining said space. Those regulations do not apply to the spaces required between accessory buildings not designed as residential buildings and other buildings on the same lot as otherwise provided for in Subdivision 5 of this subsection.

In the RW and RZ Zones, there shall be a passageway at least 4 feet in width, and in the RU Zone, there shall be a passageway at least 3 feet in width, extending from a street, or public right-of-way in the case of the RW Zones, to one entrance of each dwelling unit in every residential building.

The passageway shall be increased by two feet in width for each story over two contained in any building located between the public street and the building which the passageway serves.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.